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Thank-you all for your pain is not as severe as it was...its on and off...I go to my pain Dr. on Thurs. and am praying for a referral to a good Internist since I have been home from Fla. (my 2nd home) I have not found a Dr. here who cares as the ones I had in Fla. I do need an ultasound and am hoping to let you all know soon the results....however my home sitch. is dire and we need your prayers for God's leading w/our Adult son who is a drug addict and was in a car wreck last Thurs. just as he made a descision to go into detox. he came out w/neck n back injuries but nothing severe Praise God! Thanx again 4 your prayers.Love,Ur sis-in-Christ, Debbianne



I am sorry to hear about your need to find a doctor who cares.About your old is he. You mention that he is a drug addict. I would be grieved as you are if my son was a drug addict. As hard as itis, there comes a point when he must face the consequences of his actions
It is possible that he might have a run-in with the law sometime and could be faced with jail or re-hab. It boils down to his being willing to take responsibility for his choices. My prayer is for an extra measure of care and guidance from the Holy Spirit that your son will reach a point where he is willing to take responsibility and to see how his behaviour affects those around him so much. We never know how or when God will make an intervention..but somewhere along the line, he will. Expecting him to turn around and be responsible is the most loving thing a parent can do. there used to be a book entitled "Tough Love" by a Christian't remember the author, but sure remember the content!

Praying for you as well.

anne of CA.


Hi Anne: Thank-You for your kind words to me....I am reading a book that deals w/ur Adult Children (he is 29 yrs. old) on gaining steps to sanity by Allison Bottke she was on as a guest speaker w/Lisa Copen over a wk. ago! I do know that he must accept responsibility for his actions I have hit my own bottom w/him and the drama of his life...its caused the ruin of our marriage as he has pit one parent against the other....if he does not take the proper steps to get help I will ask him to leave or turn him in myself...I am getting support from other parents who have and are in the same position....I do so appreciate all of the prayers being said as my heart is breaking and the stress on my body is making my pain much tummy looks 8 mo. pregnant from all the fluid that's building up inside me....thank-u again for the advice I sure appreciate it.Love ur-sis-in-Christ, Debbianne


Debbie Anne,

As a mom, I can honestly tell you how much I respect your previous answer and your determination to help him to help himself. that takes a lot of courage on your part. Folks, especially the young, often think that they are invincible. What a blessing that you could hear Lisa's talk on dealing with adult children. Kids who are "into" thedrug scene are deceived that they are invincable.They also became unaware or do not care of how their behavior affects the lives of loved ones around them. I a way, they become prisoner to the drug and that life style.
I will pray for you all daily. I have a special prayer hour and you are in Capital letters!

Love in Christ

Anne of California,


I do pray your son will come to know the Lord
in a personal way.

Also, that the Lord grant you peace as you give
yourself over to the care of God.

Also, it will be very important for your son to
know that he was not the reason you and husband split.
It may have caused much strain on the two of you, but
to heap that guilt on your son would be too much as
he heals from his own wounds.

God Bless you,



I support you in your desire to help your son. what you are doing is truly the most loving thing to help him. Itis great that you have support from people around you who have apparently been there--done that and reinforcing what we discussed about his making healthy choices. will continue to pray.

Anne of California


Hi Anne, I dont want to hog up Debra's post. Just wanted you to know Her and I are in touch off board so You wouldnt think I was not doing my job. Im still Praying for you too, Glad you are back on here!!!


I am so sorry if I led you to believe that my son Matt was the cause of mine and my husbands problems..I am not sleeping well and I thought about what I had said after I posted, my marriage problem's are seperate from but not made any better by our current sitch. I have apoligized to Matt for my own bad choices and made many mistakes in parenting him...but at this point he doesnt and cannot understand the "Whys" of my apology which is normal for him to not understand, the heroin addict uses many things for the reasons for what n why they do what they do to not have to accept the responsibility for their own bad choices....he believes he has made a decision for Christ but he just admitted that he does not want to face the Lord as a drug addict...please accept my own apology if I led you to believe he is the cause of my husband and my problems that falls under dealing w/my own "stuff" that has led to my own enableing of him.....thank-you all for ur prayers and the input as all is helpful to me, this is a journey I would rather "pass on" but need to go thru and have to go thru and leave the end results to the Lord and His promises! My love to you ALL...UR-SIS-IN- CHRIST, Debbianne


Hey Sweety; Me thinks You Think too much.

Most of us here are no longer spring chickens, and we understand what you are going thru. You are a wonderful girl, and we love you for that.

Even young kids with NO problems learn how to get Mom n Dad at odds with each other.

All here are of the mind to "hate the sin, love the sinner" Matt is just a victim of some bad choices---as are we all. We will Pray each other thru them. God is able.

luv luv, jesse


Debianne, you and your beloved son are in my thoughts and prayers.
love, Helen


Dear Debianne, You have been on my mind alot especially tonight, just know I am to pray.
Dear Abba Father, Please Wrap your loving arms around Debianne son and hold him close and keep him safe and sheltered in your presence and open his eyes and ears,
heart & mind so he might see you and hear you and understand you Oh Lord are calling him by name and convict his heart so he might except you as Lord and Saviour of his life and seek your repentance, Then help him kick his addictions and work out his reconcilliation with his Mom & Dad. Thank You most generous Saviour in whose name I pray Amen
Love, Helen