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Re: Re: Brother-in-law

Brother-in-law is home now. Thank you all for your prayers. Now lets hope he does what he should do.

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Brother-in-law is having flash backs from Viet Nam. Has pulled his IV's out. Hands have had to be tied down. He is still in bad shape and did all the prayers we can send up for him. His name is Russell

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Please say a prayer for my brother-in-law Russell He was air lifted to the hospital with a heart attack and blood pressure very high.

Re: Brother-in-law

Dear Lord Jesus, we humbly pray for Russell that you may spread your healing hands over him in that hospital bed and return his heart and blood pressure to normal once again and we also ask You, Dear Lord to ease his mind of these horrible hallucinations which could be caused by some of the medications they may be having to give him for his heart. Lord, please let him feel your Spirit of Peace, Love and Joy to overtake his full body, mind and spirit and keep his soul ever spotless and pleasing to You, Dear Lord, through the will of your Father we pray. Amen

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Replying to:

Please say a prayer for my brother-in-law Russell He was air lifted to the hospital with a heart attack and blood pressure very high.