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IRTS Reignites

Dear Members,

I am extremely sorry for keeping you waiting for such a long phase of time as i was out of station on account of an important project.

I have now reignited the IRTS Site with a bunch of IR addons for Railworks/Rail Simulator featuring Electric Locomotives from the Likes of WAM4 to the latest addition to the electric family the WAG9.
I am sure this will be the first of its kind to be released for Railworks/Rail SImulator.Ingame videos and screenshots of these Locomotives will be posted in You tube links and also in the site.
The addons will be released very shorty in a few days. Stay tuned for more action.


Re: IRTS Reignites

when we will get those stock

Re: IRTS Reignites

Hello, Vikrant,

Can you tell how your Indian Railworks re-ignition (also known as The Great Indian Railway?) is progressing?

I'm an English RW/RS fan/addict and interested in routes, scenarios and stock from other countries. And I have enjoyed Indian Railways on my few visits to your country.

I have discovered your trackbed and Alco sounds, as well as your coaching stock, and am looking forward to getting to know them.

Are there other assets that you would be willing to share? I notice that on your forum there are references to locomotives for earlier versions of RW.

Kind regards,


Re: IRTS Reignites

ok fine are those models work with railworks 4 ?