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Re: trainz 2004 assets

Dear Vikrant
Nice to hear from u. Well, I have not lost Heart, but was anxious to know whether something is in the offing for Trainz 2004. Honestly I personally consider it to be a better Rail simulator game than either the Microsoft Train Simulator or the Railworks. Perhaps there are not many supporter for Trainz 2004 and therefore ur enthusiasm to create assets for the same might just be dwindling a wee bit. The last asset for Trainz 2004 was released on 13 Feb 2010 and thereafter its been all quiet at ur end, that is the reason I thought that may be I need to check whether any assets are coming for trainz 2004 from the house of IRTS in future. Now that u have assured me well I take that and will wait for the release.
with warm wishes and regards

Re: trainz 2004 assets


Inspiring words indeed from a diehard railfan in you , and such inspiring words and inspiring encouragement are always required for the site and of course me, well as i had posted in my earlier message i had not lost heart or never will IRTS lost heart in its creations and development of Indian Railway stocks for the various train simulators (TRAINZ or Railworks).We would never ignore TRS 2004 as i always consider it a nice simulator and would be producing addons for it too alongside the all new Railworks 3, stay tuned and always believe in IRTS as we deliver the best in Indian Rail Simming round the clock.
