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Everything you need to know about QuickBooks Hosting

What Is QuickBooks Hosting?
If you use QuickBooks Enterprise, you’ve downloaded the software onto your computer. In other words, that computer is your sole way of accessing the software. Sure, you can overcome this mobility issue with QuickBooks Online, but this isn’t always the best option. Maybe you’ve already invested in QuickBooks Desktop and want to get the most out of your investment. Or maybe QuickBooks Desktop has a critical feature or two that you won’t find with QBO. Do you really have to sacrifice mobility in order to use your preferred software? Not with QuickBooks hosting.

Hosting allows you to store your software and data files on a third-party company’s cloud server. This means that you can access your QuickBooks Desktop software — and all the data stored within — from anywhere, whether it’s your computer at home or the office or a mobile device. QuickBooks hosting allows you to continue using the software you love without mobility limitations.

The Benefits Of QuickBooks Hosting
So, why should you consider investing more money in QuickBooks hosting? Why not just sign up for QuickBooks Online? There are a number of benefits to QuickBooks hosting:

Access QuickBooks Anywhere
Improved Collaboration
Keeps Data Safe
Lowers IT Costs

Access QuickBooks Anywhere
For many small business owners, this is the selling point of QuickBooks hosting: you can access QuickBooks from anywhere. No longer do you have to be worried about being tethered to one computer. Need to perform an accounting task on the go? No problem — with QuickBooks hosting, you can access your software with your smartphone or tablet. Use a Mac at home? QuickBooks hosting gives you remote access, so you can easily view your Windows-based software on your other computers and devices.

Improved Collaboration
The mobility offered by QuickBooks Accountant Hosting is also crucial for businesses that have multiple QuickBooks users. QuickBooks won’t have to be installed on multiple devices, and users aren’t limited in how they access the software. This allows multiple users to access the software whenever they need to from anywhere.

Keeps Data Safe
A lot of private data and information is stored within your accounting software. To prevent losing this data, you may save important reports and data on your computer, or maybe you’ve taken it a step further and have uploaded your information to the cloud. But what happens if you lose your laptop or a disaster impacts your computer — and the important data stored within? From hackers to disasters, it’s important to safeguard your private information. With QuickBooks hosting, a number of safety and security measures are taken to ensure that you — and only you — have access to your data.

Lowers IT Costs
Some businesses opt to have their own private servers for the purpose of hosting QuickBooks. This can get quite spendy when you add in setup fees, maintenance costs, and other expenses. Using a remote server through QuickBooks hosting isn’t free, but it can be far less expensive than having an onsite server.

I hope this gives you a good overview of QuickBooks Hosting.

To learn more about similar software like Sage Cloud visit Apps4Rent.
Jake Paul.