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Roni dead

hello raillies , well with a lot of dishartedness i have to declare that roni is no more for the contribution of new railway stuffs for msts and i saw his fouroum someone said the he is dead , i dont know what is true but he had dissappeard from irfca completely . A fresh news of our active railmember of this site ( i wont take the name directly) went for an railway expedetion on the south and will be contributing us with new photographs of the railway stuffs in the south and one thing i would like to warn to all my buddies that if any railfan or a member of this site goes to visit chinnai and some how goes to the bus terminal and wish to go to take a crap......please dont do so as the toilets in the terminal r extriemly dirty and if u wish to take the crap .... i m dammn sure ur potty will go reverse back to ur buttocks ( seriously very dirty place ) so please dont use them at any cost and if its very urgent , i suggest to have a crap behind some bushes in the open as its still better than using toilet in the bus terminal at chinnai . And yes our site is soon releasing the demo version of the emu trains so enjoy them and give ur feed back ( models r made by me) Ok then that was all for todays news . Take care . Long live indian railways . bye

Re: Roni dead

thats news to me