Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayers for daughter

Please say a prayer for my 5 year-old daughter, Kerri. She may have to have surgery next week if the problem doesn't resolve itself over the weekend. Please pray that she does not need surgery, but if she does that God watches over her and her surgeon.



Re: Prayers for daughter

Our prayers go out to your daughter, Kerri, that God will give her healing and strength so she doesn't have to have surgery. But if she does need surgery,that God will guide the surgeon and give her complete healing.
Our prayers also go out to you and your family.
God's blessings
Chris and Debi

Re: Prayers for daughter

Peayers go out to you and your daughter.