Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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KISS Dance/Re-Post

The Cursillo Past Presidents' KISS Dance will be held on Saturday, March 5, 2011. This will be the 2nd year with the NEW START TIME OF 7:00 p.m. The fun will last until 11:00PM. The dance will be held at Holy Rosary Parish's Hastings Hall at East 28th & East Avenue in Erie, with parking in the rear on the East 27th Street entrance side of the school building. IF YOU NEED ALTERNATIVE ARRANGMENTS MADE TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE HALL, PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS POST AND WE WILL ACCOMODATE.
DJ Dean always plays "something for everyone" and will once again facilitate some of our fun dance traditions.
The "has beens" have decided again to "go green" and print no tickets, which means it is up to all of us to HELP SPREAD THE WORD for this "word of mouth" event.
Admission at the door will remain $7.00 per person. This is a BYOB event, with munchies, pop, and draft beer being provided. Feel free to bring other snacks for your enjoyment. Our 50-50 cash drawing will also be featured again.
The target charity will be the John Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation.