Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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A great beginning to a great year...

What a beautiful experience was had by all who attender the Mass at St. Johns in Girard for the kick off to Dave and Brenda's year AT THE HELM OF OUR MOVEMENT.
As Brenda said during the fellowish dinner--Never has she seem a priest smile so much during mass.
We were blessed to also have a Baptism during our celebration. A rainbow Cursillo shirt was presented to the new infant and her fmily----never too early to start planting the seed for new members!!
During fellowship the free will offering usually given to the home parish to help off set the cost were instead presented to a local family that has gone through some very tough personal timews as of late...a donation of over $250.00 was collected.
A special thanks goes out to Linda and Pete Tolhurst for all their work in making a special opening.

So we are off to a running or singing start.
Due to some juggling of the schedule the choir will next assist at mass on February 26 at St. Pauls Church at 16th and Walnut in Erie. Mass begins at 4:30 with practice in the basement beginning at 3:30.
All participating are asked to kindly bring a dessert to share with the group.

We had a large group of about 120 people in January and we hope to have that or more for the February celebration.
Remember all you need to do to participate in the choir is to show up...we especially like to see new babe chicks---which we did in welcome and we hope to see you all on the 26th.

PS I still have a few openings in the calendar--so if you are interested please drop me a line.

Re: A great beginning to a great year...

We would like to thank everyone who came and supported us and the Men's Choir. The singing was wonderful and we are surprised the windows are still there considering the many, many people who were singing to the Lord. Singing IS praying twice. You are all wonderful friends, and we think of you as our family too. We hope to see many of you at the various Cursillo events during this year. DeColores Love Brenda & Dave