Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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On the road again......

February can be a dreary and depressing time—but that was certainly not the case at the Cursillo sing at St. Paul’s in February.
The Choir and all who attended certainly brought “the Spirit” with them!
Father Alex Amico gave a spirited sermon as he pointed out the benefits that one gets from making a Cursillo weekend and how those benefits benefit the parish community as well. Sounds like Father Alex would make a good Spiritual director for an upcoming Cursillo weekend—Kathy—work on that!!

Due to the Cursillo schedule the choir will be traveling to” The Catholic Community of Corry” on March 19 home of Father Tom Brown another enthusiastic supporter of our movement. Rumor has it that --that Sue and her band of helpers are cooking up a special treat for those who make the journey down. If you are planning on attending please bring a dessert to share!
So mark your calendars for March 19-- 4:00 practice 5:00 Mass at St Thomas in beautiful downtown Corry Pa.

De Colores

PS I still have a few openings to fill !!