Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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More about Made2Worship - 5.4.11

The attached link will give full details on Made2Worship, a powerful Catholic worship movement.

Please join us on May 4th - Tell your friends, bring your family and a free standing candle. DeColores!

Made 2 Worship Recommendation

I cannot recommend the Made 2 Worship event enough! This is a beautiful way to celebrate our Catholic Faith as families united in Christ at the table of the Lord!
I hope to see some of my sisters and brothers in Christ at St. George's on May 4th for the first of many M2W events! Don't forget your family candles!

Kathleen Peterson
Women's Cursillo #221
The Accidental Handmaiden