Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayers for my mother

My mother is in the nursing home at St Mary's W. and it is all in Gods hands now. It's just a matter of time. Please pray that she in in no pain and that she will go peacefully. Love ya Mom

Re: Prayers for my mother

Hi Linda:


I will pray for her.

What is her name?


Re: Prayers for my mother


We will be praying for your mom, and for your family as you go through this rough time.

MIchael & Cari

Re: Prayers for my mother

Our prayers for your mom that she will know God's loving peace... and Prayers for you and your family during this difficult time.
God's blessings
Chris & Debi

Re: Prayers for my mother

I will be praying for your mother and your family this week. I will pray for peace, strength and courage in this most difficult time.

Peace, Joy and Love


Re: Prayers for my mother

Your mom is in my prayers for peace and that she will soon be home with God. I am also praying that you find Peace.

Update om Mom

Mom responded yesterday when my Aunt and Cousin came to visit. She actually opened her eyes and recognized them. I guess God isn't ready for her yet. Please keep her in your prayers. Now they have to get some food in her. I am also better. Going to try to work today for a few hours. Thanks everyone for all the prayers. God is soooo good. Keep praying for her increased strength and improving health issues.

Re: Prayers for my mother

She will be in our prayers