Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Please Pray...

I received the following email from Terry Deitz asking to spread the word about this young girl:

[Folks...please pray for Regina and God's will in this situation...she has suffered so much through this ordeal...pray that God will send healing to her and her family.

Eileen - can you ask our brothers and sisters in the Erie Cursillo to pray as well ...Regina Sweeny is an 11-year-old girl that was perfectly healthy. Four weeks ago she developed RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and has been fighting for her life ever since at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh.

Thanks for your prayers...


Re: Please Pray...

I will put Regina on the prayer chain at church and I will pray for her for God to guide her doctors and that God heals her.

Re: Please Pray...

Prayers for Regina, her family and caregivers are on their way.


Re: Please Pray...

We will keep Regina in our prayers for God's healing hand.

God's blessings
Chris and Debi

Re: Please Pray...

Regina will be in our prayers.
Jon & Janet