Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayers please

I am asking for prayers for our dad (Wes) who was admitted to Hamot hospital last night. His heart was sending spikes and very erratic. They are trying to regulate his heart rate and get it stable.
Also please continue to keep Lori Johannesmeyer (Lemmon) in your prayers, she was admitted to Hamot hospital again. Our family could really use the prayers.
God bless and Thanks to our wonderful Cursillo family
May God bless all of you.

Re: Prayers please

Hi Debi:

Hey, Your Dad, Lori, Josh and all of you are in our prayers. Really.

Arco and Janet

Re: Prayers please

All of you are in our prayers and we thank the Lord for putting you in our lives.

Re: Prayers please

Sending prayers your way - we love all of you! Please keep us posted on their status. Thanks!

Sending big hugs too!

Re: Prayers please

We will keep all of your family in our prayers.
Cyndi and Bill

Re: Prayers please

Any news? How is everyone holding up? Still praying. Love you all.
Carole & Doug