Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Parish Coordinators

We are in desperate need of Parish Coordinators. If anyone is interested in being a Parish Coordinator please contact Linda and Pete Tolhurst.

We need coordinators for: All Saints, Blessed Sacrament, Holy Cross, Holy Rosary, St Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Our Mother of Sorrows, St Andrew, St Francis Xavier, St George, St Gregory of Thaumaturgies, St James, St Joseph Bread of Life, St Jude, St Julia, St Lawrence, St Mark the Evangelists, St Patrick, St Stanislaus, St Stephen.

We need to fill 5 new positions as Area Coordinators for South City, West County, East City, West County. The East City and the East County positions have been filled. These positions would oversee several churches in their group and would report to the Erie County Coordinators.

It is very important that we fill these positions. If filled we may start to have a waiting list for the weekends once again.

Linda & Pete Tolhurst
Erie County Cursillo Coordinators
(814) 922-3465