Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Final Update for Men's #217

Yes, we have some updates. Following are the additions for this weekend's Men's Cursillo #217:

Fr. Joseph "Fr. Joe" Campbell, St. Joseph - Sharon (Fr. James Campbell and Lou Christiansen)
Ronald "Ron" Fontaine, St. Michael - Greenville (Lou Christiansen)
John Rickert, St. Joseph - Warren (Fr. Rich Toohey)

Unfortunately, we also have some deletions. They are:

Martin “Marty” Aubel, St. Michael – Greenville
Timothy “McGiver” Gooley, Our Lady of Peace – Erie (Meg Maly)
Donald “D R” Fapore, St. Mark- Emporium (Joe &Gretchen Fragale)
Jeremiah Woods, St. Mark- Emporium (Edward Woods)

All the candidates and team members will be in our prayers this week. God's bkessings and De Colores!
