Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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prayers for a friend

I am asking for prayers for a friend who has had a cancer recurrence. I think she is a Cursillista and is being treated as Roswell for multiple sites. For her privacy I don't want to tell her name without asking her but she is a good woman, a wife, a mother of young children, and has been through so much. Please pray for her healing, peace, and courage as she starts chemo as I know God is keeping her in her loving arms.
Thank you and God bless,

Re: prayers for a friend

Corrected post-sorry I posted without proofing.

I am asking for prayers for a friend who has had a cancer recurrence. I think she is a Cursillista and is being treated at Roswell for multiple sites. For her privacy I don't want to tell her name without asking her but she is a good woman, a wife, a mother of young children, and has been through so much. Please pray for her healing, peace, and courage as she starts chemo as I know God is keeping her in His loving arms.
Thank you and God bless,

Re: prayers for a friend

Kathy your friend is in my prayers. That God guides her doctors and for God's healing hand.