Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Your Prayerful Support is Needed

De Colores!

Please remember to hold up in prayer the candidates and team of Metanoia 26 at SCI Albion. It begins Thursday at 1:00pm and goes through Sunday evening. When you're on your lunch break at work, or settling in for the night, or maybe up for that midnight snack - whisper a little prayer asking the Spirit set the fire.

If you can do this, please let me know, and I will share only your first name with the men - it is a powerful thing for them when they find out that there are people on the outside who do not even know them who are willing to take time to pray for them.

God Bless You All!!

Re: Your Prayerful Support is Needed

We will be praying for the candidates of this blessed Metinoia.
Rick & Mary Margaret

Re: Your Prayerful Support is Needed

It is 7:45am Friday morning and I am remembering the candidates in a special way hoping that God will touch their hearts and bring them His spirit, joy and peace.