Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayers Needed

Please pray for my nephew, Mark, who is in the hospital in Oklahoma City. He is seriously ill and we ask for prayers for God's healing of this wonderful young man. Thanks.

Re: Prayers Needed

We will keep Mark in our prayers for God's healing hand.

God's blessings
Chris and Debi

Re: Prayers Needed

I will pray for Mark that God will heal him and guide his doctors.

Re: Prayers Needed

Thanks everyone for your prayers. Mark is doing better and is out of ICU. He has a tear in an artery and they are keeping him comfortable and hope it will heal itself. It will be a long month for him as he won't be allowed to do anything once he gets home from the hospital. He has six little children who need their daddy at home. DeColores and keep the prayers coming. Thanks.

Re: Prayers Needed

Most definitely will be praying for Mark and his family!!


Re: Prayers Needed

Praise God for his healing graces for your nephew. We will continue to pray as he recupertates. God gave nothing better than to have little ones around to pick us up and brighten our way.
Bob and Theresa