Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Baby on Board - Women's #224

I have the great honor of being my fiancee Ashley Williams' sponsor this weekend for Women's 224. This is very exciting and important to me, due to the fact that I just recently made Men's #218. This is something that we will be able to share and look back to together.

There is a little twist however, my first child will also be making the cursillo in utero. Ashley is 16 weeks pregnant with our first child and we are very excited. Please keep her in your prayers this weekend!

Re: Baby on Board - Women's #224

Congratulations - and don't be surprised if the baby is born singing "De Colores"!!!


Re: Baby on Board - Women's #224


Congratulation, Brother! My wife is up there with your fiance and baby. I hope they have the experience we had. My prayers are with you. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

De Colores!

Mikey #218

Re: Baby on Board - Women's #224

Ashley made it all the way through her weekend and the closing, a tough feat for being as exhausted as she was. I am so proud of her for sticking with it and we now have something that we can share for the rest of our lives. She really enjoyed everyone asking about the baby. She shared with me that she experienced the baby's first kick while on the weekend. What better time than on the best weekend of her life?

A special thanks goes to everyone that offered to help her through her weekend and making sure that she had the best experience possible. She is very excited for her GR and even more excited to "bring a friend to christ"!

We have been tossing around names for boys if that is what we find out we are having. We should know on December 5th and the baby should be coming out singing Decolores on May 3rd! The name that we have stuck with so far is Tobias Edward Thornton. Tobias means "God is Good" and boy don't we all know that is true! Edward was Ashley's grandfather's name, he was very close to her and we feel it would be appropriate to honor his memory in that way.

A lot of girls on the weekend have asked to be invited to the baby shower, so we will post the date and location on the message board or facebook page when we have a date for that. Also, my fellow Cursillo brothers are welcome to join me for a "diaper party". It couldn't hurt to have plenty of loving cursillistas around while we are preparing to receive this wonderful blessing from God!