Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

As the one year anniversary of my bout with GBS approaches, I'm thankful for all of the prayers, support and love I received and felt from Erie Cursillistas. All the love I felt was like having my own little Cursillo Weekend!

I especially want to thank the members of my GR who played such a vital roll in my recovery.

Thank you, truly.

Re: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

I am also thankful for Cursillo & all the love, support, prayers, hugs etc. that supported me & my family during our recent tragedy. The funeral home was like a huge closing with all the hugs we received from my brothers & sisters in Christ. I"m also thankful for all individual blessings, small miracles & healings that Jesus sent to our family during this time.

God is Good -- All the time -- We just need to "See"

DeColores -- God's peace -- Happy Thanksgiving !!!