Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayer request

Hi everyone,
I appreciate everyone's prayers for my dad that my husband has been asking for. He has a lot of fluid in his lungs which is causing him to have a really hard time breathing. He's having an echo and a sleep apnea test tomorrow, so please pray for good results that can be controlled by medicine, but if he has to have a procedure to correct it, pray that all goes well with that too. My dad is such a great person with deep faith, so I know that he will be taken care of.

Thank you!

Re: Prayer request

I will be praying for your dad and that the doctors are guided by God in healing your father.

Re: Prayer request

Jen, we will keep your Dad and your family in our prayers.

Re: Prayer request

We will pray for God's healing hand and strength for your dad.

God's blessings
Chris and Debi

Re: Prayer request

My Dad just got a call from his doctor who read his test. He has to go to the ER and probably be admitted. Not sure what they saw, but on my way now. Please keep the prayers coming.
Thank you.

Re: Prayer request

Your Dad is in my prayers.

Peace, Joy and Love,


Re: Prayer request

We have kept your father in our prayers since Mikey first posted. He will continue to be in our prayers as long as needed. Prayers are also being said for you and your family as you deal with the all of the uncertainty.

Re: Prayer request

Just found out that the results of my Dad's echo came back normal! His heart is functioning normally, no leaky valves or anything! We've ruled out cancer and a heart problem, so we're narrowing down what's causing the fluid in his lung. Thank you all so much for the love and support. Please keep the prayers coming!

Re: Prayer request

Wonderful news! Two of the biggies out of the way. The power of prayer is a beautiful thing. We will continue along with so many others.

Re: Prayer request

My Dad sees his PCP and the pulminologist on Thursday. Still haven't gotten any answers. Dad went back to work on Monday and had trouble breathing a couple of times. Please pray that they find what the problem is and that it's the easiest fix possible. Thank you all and Merry Christmas!

Re: Prayer request

Mikey and Jen,

I will continue to keep your father in my prayers. Since he has great Faith, his Faith will be a great comfort to him.

GOD is good!



Re: Prayer request

Dad's pulminologist said the fluid level he has now is the same as it was when he left the hospital. They couldn't take it all off because he had passed out during the procedure. The fluid that was tested was not suspicious at all! He goes back in 6 weeks to get another x-ray. If the fluid is the same or lower, I think they will just continue with check-ups. If there is more fluid, he would need to go see a surgeon for further testing. Please continue to pray for him and thanks for all you've done!

Re: Prayer request

Please keep my dad in your prayers today, he's having his follow up xray and bloodwork today. Thank you so much for all the love and support. Dad got annointed a few weeks ago, so I have faith that he will be ok. He looks good and is feeling better. Also, my husband and I are flying to Denver today and traveling home next Wednesday. Please pray for a safe, happy trip! Thank you!

Re: Prayer request

The fluid is back on my Dads lung. They aren't ruling out pneumonia, but he may have to go back into the hospital again. PLEASE pray for him and our family. Thank you for all you've done.