Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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I need your prayers please

I recently had to have 2 biopsies (1 breast 1 lymph node). They believe the lymph node may have actually been a cyst ~ praise God! I go back in Wed 1-11 at 1:15 to get the results. Please pray for good results. A few months ago, 3 women (I work with) in their 40's within a 10 day period were all diagnosed with breast cancer and all had to have double masectomies. Please also keep them in your prayers, Lenee, Julie and Diane. Additionally, other co-workers very recently diagnosed with other forms of cancer: Rhoda, Sandra and Millie. Thank you and I will be sure to post the results. DeColores... Love Rose

Re: I need your prayers please

We will definitely keep all you ladies in our prayers!!

Re: I need your prayers please

Hi Rose:

You are in our prayers and we will pray for the other women as well.

Arco and Janet