Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Thank you and God bless

Chris and I want to Thank all those who helped us out with the Cursillo Choir mass at St. Francis Church tonight, and with the dinner afterwards, we couldn't have done it without your help...A special Thanks to Kathy and Marsha who worked hard all day making the pasta, meatballs and sauce... I can never thank both of you enough.... And Kathy isn't even a Cursillista, God bless everyone who helped in so many ways, and for all those who joined us after mass.... love all of you...

Re: Thank you and God bless

We took the left overs to St Patricks Haven last night and the house was full. They also say thank you "GOD IS GOOD"

Re: Thank you and God bless

It was a great mass last night, Fr. Mark . God Bless all those who were there and especially Kathy and Marsha, and all those who helped out and those wonderful singers and musicians and those who attended. Love seeing all of you.

Re: Thank you and God bless

Thanks to you and Debbi for your continued service. It was great singing with my brothers and sisters at Mass.

The food was great, the company was even better and the Mass was the best. Father Mark spoke about anger something that hit home to me.

Peace,Joy and Love,


Re: Thank you and God bless

Sorry we missed it - it is always good to have time to have fun with God!! Unfortunately, we have not been able to figure out how to bilocate . . .

We also had a fun time - the men at SCI Albion sounded GREAT last night.

De Colores!
Janet and Arco

Re: Thank you and God bless

I am honored to have been able to feed the people there Linda, Thank you for taking it over for us...

God bless you!

Re: Thank you and God bless

Chris and Debi: I am so sorry I missed this Choir Sing but Tim and I were out of town. I understand that everything went well and the food was great. Thank you for all you do for the Cursillo Movement. God's love and mine...