Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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urgent prayers

I could use some especially strong prayers for some friends and family waiting on health issue news. Please pray for good news and expertise from those trying to fix the problems. Please also pray for peace for those haviing the issues. Please pray for the same peace for their families. Thank You so much:)

Janet Chandley

Re: urgent prayers

I will pray for them for you. Could I ask you to pray for my friend too? I went with her to the doctor today and she got bad news on what they suspect is wrong and a test tomorrow will confirm it. She very much needs healing, peace and courage. We are all prayer warriors, aren't we? But we all know God listens to our prayers.

Re: urgent prayers

Concder it done Kathy! Prayers going up! He always hears and answers us.

Re: urgent prayers

Yes He does. She is going in for further testing at 11:30 so thanks for the prayers. Hope your friends and family are ok.

Re: urgent prayers

Prayers are continuing for your friends and their families. God bless them with peace as they work through their situations, strength as they battle their afflictions, and hope as they await the outcome.