Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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severe pain

Hello everyone,
Could you please pray for me , I've been in severe pain for over 3 weeks now . Hospitalized for over a week. The doctors have no clue whats going on or why . All I know is I can't do much of anything. My head hurts so bad I can't cry anymore. My sleep is maybe 30 mins max at a time. Eating I get sick to fast so jellos been my main course. I've prayed to God everyday to please take this pain away.... its still here. I don't know what else to do...I'm very tired & in severe pain & I can't take it anymore ... please pray for me....... Thank You

Re: severe pain

Prayers coming your way Mary. Hope it passes soon and all your pain is gone and they find out why you are having such pain.

Re: severe pain


Prayers are on their way at this moment - that the medical professionals can find a source and a solution. Know that our Lord is with you in your pain, suffering along with you as He once did for you. Keep your focus on His love.


Re: severe pain


You are in my prayers. God will give you the strength and courage to face this terrible illness. I will keep you in my daily prayers.



Re: severe pain

Thank You , keep the prayers coming , because whatever this is its not leaving anytime soon !

Re: severe pain

I've Tweeted from @CursilloErie asking all Cursillistas from other Cursillos around the nation that follow us to pray for you.

May God be with you in your time of need and bring you some relief.

Re: severe pain

Thank you all , this pain is so unbelievable . I still can't understand why and that its still going on. I'm at my wits end ! Prayers & more prayers please

Re: severe pain

Our prayers are going out for you, for God's healing hand and to be pain free.

Jesus please bring Mary relief and healing...
In Jesus we pray

Chris and Debi