Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Pain to long , please pray

Dar God,
Ok , I'm extremely exhausted... this head pain has to go ! I've clearly had enough! I think a month of this is to much.Please do your best to lead me in the right direction to find the right person who can help. I don't know where to turn or who to ask ! I'm lost waiting for a sign from, anything !!! It hurts to move ,to hurts so bad , WHY , why me ??? Please God help me find a solution for this & mke it go away. In your name I pray amen. Peace , Mary

Re: Pain to long , please pray


I know you are a woman of faith. Please do not give up. I know that pain is very difficult to handle.

There are many of us who are praying for you. God will never abandon you. Be Strong!!

Peace, Joy and Love,


Re: Pain to long , please pray

My heart goes out to you for the terrible pain. I will pray to God that your pain is relieved and the doctors can find out what is wrong. I am so sorry you are going through this.
God Bless,