Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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The Kingdom, The Power, The Glory!


The Metanoia at SCI Cambridge set many hearts on fire!! The Spirit DID get clearances and was able to get in - not only to the prison, but to the hearts of the candidates and team! It was a rough road with MANY obstacles from long before the weekend even started and also throughout the weekend - but with a superior team and God as our coach, the Babe Chicks came out as winners!

THANK YOU to all who prayed and provided Palanca. The ladies were overwhelmed with the love and support from "the Outside". You have no idea how much it means to them - your "little bit" is like the mustard seed - it becomes so much more than just a prayer or a letter, it becomes love to the unloved - it makes God REAL.

God Bless you.