Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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prayers please

My sister-in-law has been fighting pancreatic cancer since June 2011. Her dr said that she had a miracle last November 2011 and there were no signs of cancer at all! We thanked God for her healing. However, in Feb 2012 she began having belly pain...turns out a couple cells escaped the pancreas and settled in her liver. Those cells were resistant to the chemo. She began a new drug but had no success. They tried yet another drug and she soon began to feel great! We were all optimistic that this drug was working. Today she got the results from her most recent scan and her entire liver is full of cancer. She is on the chemo that killed the cancer in her pancreas last year but the dr said that the chance of it working is almost nothing. The dr said she has 4 months at most. Please pray for her as hard and as often as possible. If you know of other prayer chains please add her name...Cheryl Lyter.

Thank you, De Colores
