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An Interesting Ultraya

The Ultrya this Friday was a little different than usual but I think the most rewarding one ever. I didn't think we would have a very big turnout because of the Cursillo in Linesville. First the cars were few coming to OLP. Then at 7 pm what few of us that were there decided the person who was to come and unlock the church doors for us to go inside must have forgot there was an Ultraya. When Fr Dan arrived he made a few phone calls and found out the doors to OLP were not going to be opened for our Ultrya. In the mean time an elderly lady pulled up and asked if we were going to have mass friday evening. she missed her friday morning adoration at her church that morning and knew OLP had a mass on the first friday of each month. No, she did not make a Cursillo. After she asked questions I asked her if she ever made a Cursillo and she replied no because she couldn't sing. I asked her if that was the only reason she never made a Cursillo and she said yes. In the mean time she also asked if Fr. Dan could hear her confession while she was waiting in her car. He agreed and while he was listening to her confession the rest of the group started the Ultraya outside on the front steps. I read the announcements that Joe had sent me which didn't take long, and Fr. Dan came to finish the Ultraya. After I introduced him I told him that the only reason the lady never made a Cursillo was because she couldn't sing and he handed me a Cursillo application. I walked over to the lady and gave her an application and a pen and asked if she could fill it out. Now! She did and then joined us in prayer for the ending of the Ultraya. I introduced her to the small group that was there and everyone welcomed her. In closing, Fr.Dan invited everyone over the a local restaurant to join him and that he was treating. All 15 of us took him up on his offer and so did the lady that only wanted to go to Mass. God certainly works in mysterious ways and also in the strangest of places. I think this is a first for Cursillo to have someone turn in an application at an Ultraya that was held outside on the front steps of OLP. Rosemarie, hopefully will be attend the first women's Cursillo of 2013. Thank you Lord! Ultraya may not have been well attended this time but there was a reason this all happened. God's timing is GREAT! DeColores