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Men's 222

DeColores my Brother's and Sister's in Christ,

It is hard for me to describe my weekend experience with the Team and Candidates of Men's 222. Awesome is not a strong enough adjective.

I again was touched by the HOLY SPIRIT in more ways than I can say. I came away with new brothers and with a heart that was healed. I finally forgave my self for some very selfish behaviors to say the least. I was forgiven by a gracious wonderful man. I knew that God had forgiven me but what I needed to was forgive myself and ask forgiveness from a man who I injured. It was granted.

Yes, I can go over the edge. I am a man of high emotions and I wear my emotions for all to see. It is who I am. If I changed that and believe me I have tried. It would not be me. I am who I am. A MAN that loves his God, Loves his family, his friends and Loves Cursillo very much.

See you all soon along the our journey. And yes you have my back, and I have yours.

I love all of you.

Sox Also known as Terry

Re: Men's 222

hey i know just how you feel! its tough to realize that GOD always has our back if we only would turn around and look...... we would see him! great to have you back see ya soon!!

Re: Men's 222

Socks or Sox!

There is no need to apologize. Maybe, just maybe one person on the weekend needed to see a grown man who is truly living out his second childhood showing the Light of Christ. Your response was a beautiful journaling article which I enjoyed. You and I have had to overcome a couple of speed bumps in our journey and we've both taken a small detour before getting back on course!

The guys outside on one of the breaks will NEVER forget your phone call to your lovely Saint of a wife (Pat), using my cell phone. I can tell you NO ONE WAS IN YOUR REFRIGERATOR!!!

As our "family" group started our song for the men during the closing, the first person I made eye-contact with, was Annie B. She had tears in her eyes. I immediately looked away and saw Mike McD with tears in his eyes. When you're in front of a crowd - cantoring or singing, a "trick" I've learned is: to think "blue light" (asking for the Holy Spirit to come upon me!). So I did!! I then looked at the exit sign clear across the social hall - and what did I see?? You waving your candle with tears in your eyes. I had tear filled eyes during the entire song. I was lucky to be able to see the words, let alone carry the tune!!

I love you like a brother! Welcome back and I've got your back - take care of mine will you??

