Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Doug is home

DeColores, thank you for your prayers. I am home now from the hospital. The tests were all negative and I do not have any serious heart disease. Thank you also for your support for the first cursillo in Linesville. The weekend was a great success.Happy fourth day to our new men from # 222. God Bless. Doug.

Re: Doug is home


Great news!! I was beginning to think that I needed to give up my unofficial job of "MC-ing" the serenade. It started by Tom Z falling to the floor. I immediately thought he had a relapse of his leg injury. Little did I know his guitar strap broke and he wasn't holding on to his guitar so he purposely fell down to catch the guitar. Whew!!

I got the strangest looks from many of the guys when I started telling the Midnight Special story and the Elizabeth Cotten (an Amercian Blues, folk musician, singer and song writer) story. I was "killing time" until Fr. Bill got back from his phone call, not trying to make the serenade a long drawn out affair.

Then during the song "God is an Awesome God" I realized we had a page two for the song. Trying to be kind, I turned to page two and held my music sheet on the stand for Steve Urash. Steve whispered to me, "Bob, I can't play chords on the violin - I'm just faking it and I'm not sure where I am!" He certainly did a good job of "ad lib-ing" I started to laugh and continued to laugh for the final two verses!

As we let the Men of #222 go upstairs and we were preparing to go to Holy Hour, I saw you grasp the counter at the kitchen window, grab your chest and your facial expression was one of pain. I know we saw the amazing healing powers of one of the Sacraments over the next half hour, especially with your good news you've just given us.

Then during Holy Hour, to see the chain on the incense holder break - I was ready to come home and not go back to the weekend.

What other Cursillo has had two "nursing" situation calls, an EMT and ambulance call, a police cruiser show up and almost having to call the fire department??

As Fr. Bill said in his closing remarks, "Satan was at work all weekend AND HE LOST!!"
