Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Still no power after Sandy

Please pray for my godfather & mother in NJ who still do not have power or phone in Warren NJ. They lost 3 trees in the yard, one hit the house, but only gutter damage! Lots of firewood for the coming year. They have been managing so far (8 days now) with a fireplace and BBQ grill, and visiting my cousins down the road - who just got power on Sunday - do do laundry. Schools still closed in their area too. Thanks!

Re: Still no power after Sandy

My prayers for your mom and godfather and all that are there

Re: Still no power after Sandy

Kevin, keeping your family along with so many other families in our prayers during the aftermath of both storms in the east. May God provide patience, warmth and the ability for the work crews to bring power back to all.