Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Re: prayers

Hi Moose:

No problem. What else do you need from us?


Re: prayers

So sorry for your loss. Tell Annette that she and all of the family are in our prayers. Call me if you need anything--Mary Margaret

Re: prayers

Moose & Annette...So sorry to hear of your loss. Loving thoughts and prayers are coming your way

Re: prayers

My prayers to your wifes family and yours through this difficult time. Know he is in a much better place. God Bless

Re: prayers

Sorry for the loss of your father in law. You and Anette are in our prayers.

Re: prayers

You are in our prayers. May God provide you all with peace and strength during this difficult time.

Re: prayers

Moose and Annette sorry for you loss. Prayers to all of the Cursillo family we have had a few losses this week linda