Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Candidate needs our love and support

Our candidate for the February Women's Cursillo needs your love and support. Her name is Linda Karlen (Lin). She is new to the Erie area and knows only a few people.

Lin is trying to get her life off to a new and fresh start. She is a woman of Faith and has a positive attitude towards making Cursillo.

Any note or letter of encouragement would be great coming from her new Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

As we already know love is the greatest of all gifts that we have been given. Let's show Lin the power of God's love through your kind words and deeds.

Peace, Joy and Love,



Re: Candidate needs our love and support

Sox and Pat: As part of our Lenten journey this year, we'll make sure we give Lin a letter of love and some Palanca. Keep in touch.