Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Hi Team:

Metanoia #3 at SCI Forests begins this Thursday.

So we are asking for some e-palanca that can be read at Palanca time and maybe throughout the weekend if we have enough.

So - if you have a minute or two jot down your thoughts and we'll take them in with us. It doesn't have to be fancy - just honest.

Thanks team!
Arco and Janet

Re: E-Palanca

Some thoughts given to me before my Cursillo :

Have an open heart and an open mind

Let go and let God

De Colores


Re: E-Palanca

Dear Brothers in Christ, we are praying for you as you proceed on your journey. We will offer mass Saturday morning at St. Marks catholic Center in Erie, in your name. May the peace of Christ be with all the days of your life. decolores Doug and Carole, Erie Cursillo Movement PS- Arco was trained by Bob Dillon

Re: E-Palanca

Thanks John, Doug and Carole - I am leaving shortly for the emerald forest, happily carrying your prayers for the guys of Met#3.

Thanks so much!

De Colores,

Re: E-Palanca

We are praying that our Heavenly Father will touch each of you in a special way. We will offer our Mass up this weekend and will remember you in prayer.
God bless,
Kathy and W