Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayers please

Please say a prayer for a very dear friend, Samantha, who is pregnant with twins. She is currently at the hospital because her doctor thinks she has a blood clot in her lung. She is only about 20 weeks along. Also, her son had surgery yesterday...he is doing very well but the family is really under a tremendous amount of stress.

De Colores,


Re: Prayers please

Martha, we have begun praying for Samantha, her babies, son and the rest of the family. May our Lord fill this family up with peace and comfort. Please let them know that many are holding them up in prayer.

Re: Prayers please

Praying daily for Samantha, how is she doing??? God's blessings & protection.