Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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50th Anniversary Continued

Just a reminder that the 50th Anniversary celebration in Crawford County will be taking place this Saturday, June 15 at St. Brigid's in Meadville.There is Mass at 5:30pm if you would like to attend Mass on Saturday night. THE CELEBRATION IS FOR ALL, NOT JUST CRAWFORD COUNTY - ALL are invited!!!! If you can, give Jim and Wendy Hess a heads up that you are coming so that we have enough seats!! If you decide at the last minute - come anyway - you can have my seat!!

Lots of fun planned - beginning at 6:30pm:

Wine and Cheese tasting
Pot Luck Dinner (bring something to share)

See you there!