Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayers for my Mom

Last week my mom fell on some rocks and was badly injured. She has a broken arm in 2 places and bruised ribs. The pain meds are barely touching the pain to where she needs to be on oxygen because breathing is so painful. Please pray for her recovery and also for the family members caring for her.

Re: Prayers for my Mom

We are praying that God's healing hands will ease all of your mother pain and bring a quick mending of her injury's.
YBIC Rick Skladanowski

Re: Prayers for my Mom

Prayers to your mom for healing and comfort from the pain

Re: Prayers for my Mom

Dave - We are praying for your Mom and for all who are caring for her.

Janet and Arco

Re: Prayers for my Mom

know that Connie and I are praying for comfort and healing for your Mom.

Re: Prayers for my Mom


I'll add your Mom's to my daily prayer list. (right next to you)
Remember you nor her are ever alone.

Peace be with you,