Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Celebrate God!!

Good Morning and De Colores!!

Here it is - a rainy Saturday . . .

-can't make hay
-can't mow the lawn
-can't go swimming (might get wet!)
-can't go to the picnic (there won't be any ants, so what fun would that be?)

So what CAN you do?

-Get rested up and then head SOUTH to MERCER COUNTY!!!!

Let' show the Men of #226 that this is a DIOCESAN movement, not a county by county movement!

What could be more fun on a rainy Saturday than to gather with your Cursillo friends to sing at Mass (Notre Dame in Hermitage), then the guys can go and serenade at dinner, then we can all reconvene for Holy Hour.

After having all of that fun, we can do it again tomorrow at Closing!

Let's rekindle the Cursillo fire in all of us. Besides, on a more selfish note, I miss you and want to see you!!!!!

God bless each and every one of you!!
