Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Re: Prayer request

Doug and Carole if there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to ask. I will be praying for your entire family for a smooth transition into your new life. Change is never easy but often change can come as a blessing and I know you will turn this new stage of your life into something positive.

Your Brother in Christ,


Re: Prayer request

My prayers are always continue for all of you. I pray for a smooth transition For you and your familyat and that you all find the strength in Christ that you need to continue on with your new chapter in your life. we will miss you terribly I love and respect you guys so very much. I know like Chris, Debi and Josh theCurcillo movement is very dear to their hearts and its never going to be far from you guys either we will be praying you and know that we will always be there for you if you need anything let us know. Love you God bless you.

Re: Prayer request

not only will we pray for Carole, but for you as well. we hope you're blessed with success at your new job. God has a plan for you folks. It's all good. If you need my help with anything please don't hesitate to call. after all that's what family is for.
God loves you and so do we !!
Herb & Connie

Re: Prayer request

Dear Brother Doug,

I fully understand this new change since we have gone through that change just over a year ago. My prayers will be with you and Carole, knowing no matter where you are, your Cursillo Family will be with you, loving you, and feeding you. We know God guides us in ways we don't fully understand, but it will be revealed over time. May God Bless your new change and opportunity to show your new church the Holy Spirit we have been filled with through our Cursillo Family in the Erie Cursillo Movement.

God's Blessings and Grace,
Chris & Debi Robson
Vinemont, Alabama