Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Fr. Tom Brown

Fr. Tom was given some good news by the doctor yesterday. There is NO Cancer in his sinus area(Biopsy showed benign) and NO Cancer in his throat. He is still showing abnormalities in the Lymph Nodes and will have those removed on November 19th in Pittsburgh. Please keep him in your prayers.

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

God knew we needed this good news!! Praised me to God!!

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Praise God for good news... Prayers for his surgery and complete healing.
God Bless Fr. Brown...

Continue Prayers..

God is Good...Chris and Debi

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Thank you! Please, continue to keep Fr. Tom in all of your prayers. He has a long road ahead of him, though the surgery was successful,there's still the radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Mike (one of Fr. Tom's brothers-in-law)

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Keeping Fr. Tom Brown in my prayers for complete healing. I made Cursillo with him and worked 2 Cursillos with him. He is by far one of my favorite priests. Please tell him my family says Hi.

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Fr. Tom began both his chemo and his radiation treatments yesterday (1/20). The chemo is weekly - for 7 weeks - on Mondays, and the radiation is daily, Monday thru Friday, for a total of 31 treatments, I believe. His spirits are good, as you would imagine! Thank you for you continued prayers.

Mike (one of Fr. Tom's brothers-in-law).

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Perhaps you all would like his temporary address.

I'm sure Fr. Tom would appreciate a card, note or perhaps a visit.

Fr. Thomas E. Brown
Saint Mary's Home of Erie
607 E. 26th St
Erie, PA 16504-2813


Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Thank you for keeping us updated on Fr. Tom... We will continue to keep him in our prayers...
God's Blessing

Chris & Debi Robson

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Just a reminder he is still at St Mary's and this is the week to remind our loved ones of how much we love them. I bet he would love a Valentines Day Card from us all.

Happy Valentines Week see you all next weekend

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

A quick update on Fr. Tom... he's nearly half-way through his radiation and his chemotherapy treatments now. As you can imagine, he is tired... and maybe more than a little discouraged at times. Tom's been nauseous often as well. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Mike Gillett (Fr. Tom's brother-in-law).

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Fr. Tom is in my prayers. Praying for complete healing. Keep us posted

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Please continue to pray for Fr. Tom. While he is nearing the completion of his chemo and radiation treatments, he is weary and worn. Fr. Tom has been very sick, lacking energy and is uncharacteristically discouraged. If you have had friends or family who've battled cancer, you understand what he has been going through. His intention and prayer is to celebrate Mass on Easter (and to buy a new John Deere tractor to commemorate his victory over this disease).

Thank you...

Mike Gillett (one of Fr. Tom's brothers-in-law)

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Continued Prayers for Fr. Tom.. I do understand how cancer and their treatments can zap ones energy and one can get real discouraged. Fr. Tom is a fighter and I know he will get through the rough treatments and move forward to healthier and happier days once again.
He has a goal to Celebrate Easter Mass and buy a new John Deere tractor. Tell Fr. Tom to keep positive and he will succeed, I really do know he can conquer this battle.

God's blessings for continued prayers for complete healing, strength and to Conquer this battle with positive success!!!!

Miss you and all our love

Chris and Debi

Re: Fr. Tom Brown

Good news on Fr. Tom. He saw the doctor yesterday. I gather it was a very uplifting and encouraging visit. No more chemo or radiation. He's looking good, improving daily, gaining energy and his voice back (both slowly). He's lost some weight and some hair, so I guess he's looking like his dad! He is working on the OT and PT and is still staying at the Skilled Nursing portion of the place he is at. And should be home by Easter - and still looking to celebrate Easter Mass! Thanks for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. - Mike (one of Fr. Tom's brothers-in-law).