Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown

We are planning a serenade for Fr.Tom Brown, Friday February 28 ,Saturdayt Mary's East. We need musicians and singers. All invited. Here how it is going down:

At 5-5:15 please enter the Reed St. entrance. We will assemble, then at 5:30 proceed to his room on the second floor.
While processing, we will hum Kumbuya. No candles. There is an elevator, but for effect, as many as able, use the steps.
When everyone arrived at the hall in front his room, he will be summoned and we will sing the words when it is time.
When finished with the first song, I'll say a few words. If possible and he is feeling OK, we will move to the dinning room so others can enjoy the music. We will sing what we sing Saturday night, in the same order.
When done, we can say hello individually. Use good judgment, see how tired he is.
If he doesn't want to leave his room, we may try to do a few selections in the dinning room for the residents.

If you have any questions, please call me 814 881 7755. Share this with others who may want to go.
John Madigan.

P.S. Fr. Tom, If you find out about this, act surprised.

Re: Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown

Hi John:

What an excellent idea! Unfortunately we can't make it as there is a Metanoia at SCI Albion this weekend. Please let Fr. Tom know that we are indeed praying for him.

De Colores!
Arco and Janet

Re: Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown

Can women come? He was on my team #225 when I was Rector.

Re: Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown

Only if you by my dinner afterwards. Lol. No, everyone is welcome.
John Madigan

Re: Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown


Re: Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown

Mark and I will hopefully be present. I will have to use the elevator because of recent knee surgery. He will be very touched by this. Fr. Tom has been a friend of ours for many years. He has worked a Cursillo Weekend most every year and loved it. Thanks John for organizing this.

Re: Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown

That will be great.

Re: Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown

What a wonderful idea, see you on the 28th.


Re: Serenade for Fr. Tom Brown

How nice of you all to do this for Fr. Tom. I'm sure it brightened his day. He's not one for being locked up!


Mike Gillett (one of Fr. Tom's brothers-in-laws)