Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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I Need Help!!!

On January 8, 2014, I went to the basement to flip a breaker. A step broke underneath me, and I pitched head first down the stairs. I landed on my head and right shoulder, twisted my neck, broke my right foot and sprained both feet and ankles. I am in a boot and have to use a walker. I was scheduled to have surgery on my right hand on February 5, 2014 to repair the damage caused when a pit bull bit me while on the way to Mass. This had to be canceled so I could use the walker. I may have to have surgery on my right shoulder, too. I definitely have to undergo tendon transfers for both thumbs as osteoarthritis has destroyed both basal joints. This requires 8 weeks in a cast, 8 weeks in splints, and 8 months of therapy before I have full use each thumb. I applied for Supplemental Security Income five months ago as I can no longer work. When I checked on the status, I was told that the person who interviewed me typed I was not interested in SSI. I now have to start all over again. My boyfriend just told me he cannot afford to help me anymore. I KNOW God will provide for me, but I feel desperate. My rent is due Saturday ($460), the electric ($80+)is due on the fifth, the cable/internet is about to be disconnected, I owe the hospital and doctors for co-pays, and my phone bill is $58. I feel like a ship that is about to go under. Neither insurance carrier will pay a dime until all treatment is concluded. Any help, no matter how small would be greatly appreciated as I have $16 to my name. My address is 2612 Cherry Street, APT 2, Erie, PA 16508 and phone number is (814) 460-8069. Thank you for your consideration, and God bless you all! DeColores!!!