Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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E-Palanca needed

Hello to everyone!!

Metanoia 5 will be starting on Thursday at SCI Forest - Palanca letters are needed to show God's love to these forgotten brothers.

Please send e-palanca to us by Weds night, and we will deliver it to the Metanoians. Please sign your first name only.(We will cut and paste so no personal email info is shared.)

As we have said in the past, you have NO IDEA what it means to these men to have someone from the outside commit to praying for them and to take the time to send them a note of support.

Please take a moment and send a short note to: - put Metanoia in the subject line.

Thanks and DE COLORES!!!!!!
Janet and Arco