Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Picnics and Prisons

Hi Team:

This weekend is, of course, the annual Cursillo Picnic and the weather is looking good. Enjoy this time of fellowship and food, games and song, the gifts of laughter and sharing and prayer.

This weekend is also Metanoia 14 at SCI Cambridge Springs and we ask that you keep the ladies in your prayers, that they may know the love and unconditional forgiveness of our Lord that we have come to know through Cursillo.

De COlores!
Arco and Janet

Re: Picnics and Prisons

God's blessings, love & peace for the ladies & team for Metanoia this weekend.
Love & lots of hugs to all of you!!!