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Another Inspiring Story

My friend was married for 7 years. She never had children with her husband but did plan to have them in the future. She was very dedicated to her house hold. Eventually after her husband became very successful in real estate she stayed home and became even more dedicated to him and the house. They did everything together and she was always hospital to his friends ect... Until towards the end of their relationship he became very different with her, always arguing, did not want to take her out anymore, always working and eventually they separated. After two months of being separated ladies her had a girlfriend which he was parading around to everyone. This broke her heart and she became very depressed. With no money and no job she was forced to move into her mothers house.

She took the positive approach....she now has a great job, has her own house, and has an awesome new love in her life.

POSITIVE, POSITIVE :) Love you all!!!