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child support

I am going thru a nasty divorce. After years of trying to make my husbancd happy I decided to ask for a divorce. One year later my husband still lives in the house and I am miserable. He does not want to pay child support. The judge has recommended a joint-account that we would both have debit cards to??? I have never heard of such a thing. I have 2 children that I have always provided for as most mothers do. Now he wants 50/50. Does anyone have any insight??

Re: child support

I went thru the same kind of thing. I filed for divorce and when I did my soon to be ex decided he wanted 50/50 now to my knowledge the new laws for the parenting plan is you both automatically get 50/50 custody unless you can prove him to be an unfit parent. I have two little girls that I have always been the primary caretaker and I did not have a choice but to let him have 50/50 custody. I know the only reason why he wanted 50/50 is so that he would not have to pay as much child support. All the courts did when they chaged the rules was to give all the men out there a way not to have to pay child support. I have been thinking about this alot and wish I knew how to go about changing the new law. Luckily for me I had been married more than 10 years and can get alimnony which he is not willing to do so there for in November I will be going to court to fight for it. I wanted to fight for the 50/50 also but my lawyer basically said that you have to pay to have someone come out and evaluate every one and then he can still get 50/50 so you just paid all that money out for nothing because unless they find he is a threat to the kids he will still get 50/50 custody. I hope this helps you but if you want any other info you can email me at kmargarido@hotmail.com.

Re: child support

I don't trust the joint account thing...that doesn't even sound like a good idea. Do you have a good attorney?

Re: child support

That is a good question. I thought I did but who really knows?? I have asked several other attorneys and mine is well respected.

Re: child support

The 50/50 thing gets me too.
I have full physical custody of my children, he has visitations.
But then my ex works sometime 16 hours a day 6 days a week......
I would still look into it it further.
Watch out for alimony...you have to claim that at the end of the year, just incase you didn't already know that. I didn't.

Re: child support

I've been told I have no rights to alimony? I think the lawyers know exactly whats going to happen and they just drag it out for the money!

Re: child support

Are you living with someone? Not just a man but anyone? My first attorney said I couldn't file for alimony because I lived in a man's house??!! I didn't quite understand how where I lived effected things but I guess it does. Heck the man's house I lived in was in texas for 6 months and was just happy his house was being used

Re: child support

We are all still living in the same house.

Re: child support

Ah then that is why. When you move out or he moves out file again.

Re: child support

Thanks for your response.