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depression and divorce

Does anyone else have experience with depressed husbands? My husband "hid" his depression from me... then he turned into a different person! Now we are getting divorced!

Re: depression and divorce

yep I know all about it. My ex tried to shoot himself in my house with my kids upstairs. I had no idea that he was like this...of course people have come out of the wood work to tell me about it now....
My advise, get yourself help. DO NOT allow you ex to make you responsible for his actions. He will try to make you.

Re: depression and divorce

My husband was depressed for yrs. Would never get help. Now he has totally gone off the deep end, is divorcing me and I think is delusional and needs to be in a hospital. I hope yours didnt get so bad. I am starting to think everyone is depressed in one way or another, you just have to want to help your self.
If they wont get help there is nothing you can do. Believe me I tried everything so did all our children.