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How do i survive this and does it ever gets better

Hello Ladies,
Its has been 5mnths now since we separeted, after 3yrs of mariage and 6yrs of a relations. i just couldnt take it anymore, the cheating andthe emotional and physical abuse was getting worse. i have filed for divorce and im staying with my kids, somedays i think i did the best thing but somedays i feel miserable and empty. i am sometimes scared to face life alone but my kids are my source of happines but my question today is how do i survive this and does it ever gets better?

Re: How do i survive this and does it ever gets better

I think it does get better. I am seperated 4months after 34yrs of marriage and 5 kids. I finally had to say to myself, "Do you really want to be with someone, who doesnt respect you? Doesnt like you? Treats you worse than you would treat some one you hated? The answer is no! We all deserve better than that. I know I am a good person , and frankly, he didnt deserve me. Since I have this in my head,believe it or not, I am feeling alot better.

Re: How do i survive this and does it ever gets better

It will get better. It will get worse. There will even be some day where it is nothing at all. It's on the days where it is at it's worst that you have to remember the good days.
Things will look up for you again.

Re: How do i survive this and does it ever gets better

Yes It gets better it just takes time. Take it one day at a time. Try to stay busy and do things you enjoy. It will be ok I know it doesn't feel like it now but you did make the right decision. No one should have to take mistreading from anyone.

Re: How do i survive this and does it ever gets better

I know how you feel; I just separated from my husband, married 3yr and together for 10yr. I couldn’t take it anymore, feeling so empty, lost, depressed and angry, I was living with in-laws and we don t have any kids however, the pain is still the same. I also don’t know how I will survive it myself, sometime I have good days, other time I have horrible days, where I crawl in a ball and cry. Sometime when driving I just start crying like, someone turned on the water faucet. I sit and just think and think tell my head falls off. I say to myself, things happen for a reason, and there has to be a light at the end of this dark, cold empty tunnel. But even talking to myself the pain sometime is unbearable. Take care